the Orchard Christian Fellowship Staff
The Orchard Christian Fellowship is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our staff.
Elder Rich Vensel
Accounting Director
Rich can be reached at 412.551.1899.
Elder Janet Fisher
Accounting Assistant
Janet can be reached at 412.498.0575.
Donya Smith
Accounting Assistant
Donya can be reached at 412.979.5386.
Patricia McFeely
Administrative Assistant/Prayer Alert Coordinator/Publications/Hall Coordinator
Pat can be reached at 724.469.0088.
Dennis Hertzler
Church House Steward
Dennis can be reached at 724.684.3871.
Don Rattay
Helps Ministry
Don can be reached at 724.787.7554.
Shelly Lepresti
Hot Spot Coffee Ministry
Shelly can be reached at 724.684.8993
Diane Churchill
Diane can be reached at 724.344.1399
Trudy Speck
Nursery Director
Trudy can be reached at 724.684.4522.
Brad Diess
Security Director
Brad can be reached at 724.591.1873.
Adam Krise
Assistant Security Director
Adam can be reached at 412.901.4653.
Deacon Drew Lepresti
Sound Director
Drew can be reached at 412.613.2094.
Pastor Jim MIchaelson
Worship Director
Pastor Jim can be reached at412.9950962.
Elder Randy Aul
Worship Leader
Randy can be reached at 724.797.7310.
Brenda Neth
Worship Leader
Brenda can be reached at 724.708..1833.
Deacon Tony Evans
Youth Branch Leader
Tony can be reached at 724.684.8022.